vasc's avatar
Hey, I'm vasc

An 18 y/o software engineer from Vienna, Austria Austrian Flag . I develop both frontend and backend software. I also love to explore new technologies and tools made by others.

What I Built 🔨

These are the top projects I am currently working on. You can see the rest on my GitHub profile.

PresenceDB logo


A web app that displays the playtime of your Discord activities. Built with Next.js & PostgreSQL.

VShop for Valorant logo

VShop for Valorant

A mobile app that displays your Valorant in-game shop. Built with Expo & React Native Paper.

BeReal Memories logo

BeReal Memories

A web app where you can view and export your BeReal memories. Built with Next.js, tRPC & shadcn/ui.

WoBahn logo


A web app that displays the approximate locations of all metro lines in Vienna. Built with Astro, Leaflet & Server-Sent Events.